Although I had the weekend in Christchurch sseing friends there is nothing to do and I'm bored. The rain is on again. yesterday we finished work after 2 adn 1/2 hours as the rain was starting and we were geting wet plus the sugar was going out of the grapes so they can't have any more picked. Last night the rain was really, really heavy like a Glasgow autumn and the wind so strong. Today it has not ceased and I'm bored I got up at 5.15am as usual and went to work (pick-up at 6.30) but my ride never arrived and I phoned to check - no work, check again at 9. There was no need to check at 9 - the rain had not stopped and still hasn't many, many hours later. Yesterday was so cold that I went to the supermarket and bought ingredients for soup and now have a large bowl of soup in hostel for the really cold times. Thank god! Also the book which I bought yesterday to relieve boredom has come into good use as I've read a lot of it already today and will possibly finish it tomorrow if there is no more work.
Christchurch was great - I got to seea lot more than I did last time on my overnight stop-over. Meeting up with Chris and Seira again was fantastic and the last time it will happen for months or years to come. Seira I only saw on the first night and I was so glad to have changed my bus to get down 5 hours earlier than originally intended - we stayed up till 2 in the morn talking before she cycled back to her home. Chris I saw up till I left Christchurch on Monday as she was staying to do some WWOOFing there till she leaves on Sunday. <
And that be it! Nothing else has happened of importance (or at all) that I can remember.
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