Around the world ....

Sunday, December 05, 2004

the day after the night before

Last night we had a very big party in the hostel - organised because two of our number are leaving for Britian to live (one Dutch and the other Brazilian). It was a very good barbeque bar the fact that the sun shining in the morning while we were working disappeared to be replaced be the heaviest downpours I've seen here for a week or so (especially during the day) It did not let up all afternoon and into the night (or this morning). We had loads of food, loads of people, loads of drink and lots of fun. How many parties do you get to where some of the evenings entertainment includes whipping each other with towels and listening to see who gets the best crack off the towel. At the last 'fight' between Kiwi and Irish - (stephen)Irish was winning until (Eric) Kiwi drew blood with the towel. It hurts quite badly when it hits you correctly and the Korean (Ken) gets the best crack to scare the living daylights out of you! However us girls did put up a bit of a fight (AND without bragging too much I, of course, am the best of the girls) and we fought hard. I have also lost the 10 of Hearts out of my pack of cards from them being used as weapons to be thrown at each other. Incase you are wondering if we are all hard assed and crazy we aren't we did play some other games and did have long converstaions but they are not as fun. I was last to bed as 3 of us got left and decided to have a hot drink before bed being the good kiddies that we are! So at 2.30 this morning I got to bed and was first up at 8am as the guy sleeping above me was talking in his sleep and keeping me awake!

Crazy Ken is also resident magician, pen spinner, card tricks and anything else he tries.

Other nights entertainment this week have been (excluding watching Dvd's) watching Eric and Ken get their hair shaved (to a No.2 as I have been informed). It was a real shame to watch Ken get his done as he had gorgeous long hair and now looks totally different. The army style!

At work I am working with Chris and we get through a block or two a week in the orchard - clearing up the mess left by another supervisor (my old one who is in my very bad books at the moment for reasons not to be stated here!) Occasional mistakes by people we don't mind but blatent rubbish work we hate! Sometimes I see missing bunches before Chris and she sometimes sees some that I miss so we get on very well working together.

Just a wee note (3 weeks to Christmas) now you've read it you can get worried.
Have a good week :-)