a burning issue
I comiserate with all people who have worked with hot ovens and food warmers as part of their daily work - because I have never had so many burns on my hands as I do now. I can hardly count them all because there are wee ones and big ones and ones that get burnt over the burns put there the day before. There are no oven gloves to lift food out of the warmers and microwaves and to lift food out from the oven we have to use very thin towels - but as I'm not the complaining type of person I won't say a thing. (Glad you all kept your faces straight while I said that :-) )
The work isn't too bad, little brats (rich ones at that), supposedly catholic boys, power hungry temporary staff, machines that like to short when most needed and the constant problem of running out of the food they like the best. Today we didn't have a single piece of hot food left at the end of the day and we are always running out of milk, the coke and fizzy juice remains almost untouched - I'm sure I'm dealing with aliens!!!
Guess what Auckland is raining (again!) and I'm getting soaked through day after day. At least tomorrow I finish at two and can go to the shops to buy some more toothpaste and deodrant before I really run out. The trials I put myself through are quite abismal when I can't even get to the shops to buy the essentials!!! Just as well I don't need to use my toilet roll yet - it's still in my bag until I need it for the less fortunate pee!
I do hope when people get around to reading these they are not offended by what is written (honestly I can be nice when I try) so I would be glad if you could let me know if you are or are not offended by my posts - then at least I also look like I have a lot of friends reading my blog!!!
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