It seems the post I tried to enter last night has disappeared so I'm slightly upset! I only hope that this one works otherwise I'll be furious!!!!!
I'm living in Roxburgh at the moment which is half way between Invercargill (the very bottom), Dunedin (the Scottish city) and Queenstown (the adventure town).
I left Auckland on Tuesday last week at 8pm on the bus to Wellington. I got there at 6 in the morn so I saw a bit of Wellington before getting the ferry to Picton at 2. I stayed in Picton overnight then travelled to Christchurch on the 10.30am bus. Stayed the night in a hostel in Christchurch where it was three tier bed bunks (this was after the night before in Picton when I had to jump up to the top bunk) Luckily I got on the second tier bed or so I thought - the second one you have to swing round the ladder onto missing the wooden slats in the bottom where the mattress doesn't meet. Joy oh Joy! I also went to the cinema there and saw In my FAthers Den - what a good movie!!! But I was on my own - a wee norm!!!!! I got the bus to Queenstown the next day. I thought the bus left at 10.30 same as the day before. I was so glad I woke up an hour earlier than my alarm at half six and decided to check my home made rota to find the bus left at 7. Therefore I had to pack my bag and grab brekkie is such a hurry that I never washed as I didn't have time. Two days travelling without washing - what a lovely traveller I am :-D On the way to Queenstown it was suggested the easiest way to Roxburgh was to catch the bus a few stops before my intended destination and get another an hour later. So I got off at Cromwell and got a bus to Roxburgh - I was there at 5.30 and in the hostel for 6. Gladly as it was full up with me being last - there is now a waiting list to get in!!!
I am going to write a better description of my work at a later point when I have a bit more time!
I am asking a favour of all of you out there - can you send me a few really good, easy and cheap recipes to do (please include those that don't have milk otherwise I'll be making something for everyone else in the hostel and not myself :-*( )
Going home for a wash before making tea now after my hard days work!!
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