I've gone kiwi!!
(yes catriona I can read it, glad you have joined. Hope you are well!!)
On my last day in Sydney I walked across and back Harbour Bridge, it was quite breezy. I tryed to spot where the last of the Mission Impossible film's scene was shot but failed - I had not seen the film too recently. But it was really nice and I had a coffee on the other side and walked back. On making my way back through the Botanic Gardens I thought I would try to find the wishing tree (which I never did) but I did get to feed the birds. The cockateels (I think they are called) are quite big and powerful looking - I ended up with one on my shoulder!! Unfortunately I could not get a picture of it but I remember it quite well. On the second handful of seed I was given it used my jumper (which it bit) to use as a lever to get down - rather than fly - which I was glad of as it had very powerful wings. The other birds which were being fed were little parrot type birds which are very colourful. I have got some great shots of them so I think you will all agree that they are very cute.
Well New Zealand is FREEZING!! For all you Scots I hope you are enjoying the last of the sun because I am not savouring the last of the winter/spring here. New Zealand looks very lush, and Auckland massively spread out. I'm staying in a hostel on the east of Auckland which in agreement with it's advert on the internet is very colourful. The walls are as good as my bedroom at home, (if you know what style I have there) so it is great. Today I've been slightly lazy, and in the afternoon met my aunt, cousin and her husband. (Aunt Pat, Helen and Jay) they are really nice and I have agreed, after some persuasion, to stay with them while I am in Auckland. They live in a beautiful part (the upper part) and look over at the dormant volcano that disappeared (because it blew so forcefully) and it's offspring! It is gorgeous and in another part of the garden you can see the main town. I can't believe how nice they are to me! And when I stay with them I will get to meet my uncle Alex, who is away at the moment. So I am enjoying New Zealand a lot more than I ever expected - it is great, now all I need is a job :-)