Another job
I am now in Blenheim (near the top of the South Island) and if youfind long words that don't make any sense really it's because the space bar on the computer in the hostel that I am using doesn't always like to work. I left Nelson on Monday and came to Blenheim.I had a very lazy day on Sunday as there is nothing to see in Nelson -it's a 'city' without character and no interesting sites except a cathedral that is not really the main focus of it. A city with shops and the centre of NZ point. Don't ask me how they calculate it being the centre but it is! I stood there on the 6th of March watching the sun come up tocelebrate it being 6months since I left Scotland.Now half the way round the world and standing on the centre of NZ with a very dangerous looking needle (at least a ton weight) ready the drop on my head seemed to be the perfect way to celebrate that time. So I went toBlenheim and in booking my hostel I asked the manager if there was work. On Monday I arrived at the hostel around 5 and after 2 hours or so later got told that I would be starting work on Tuesday and to be outside KFC (15min walk) at 6.30am. SoI was and on Tuesday I started working on vineyards. Nowit's sunday and I worked yersterday.Thankfully I have today off as I really need to clean the dirt,mud and dust off of my workclothes. Working is really good again as it's outside in the heat and doing jobs that require notmuch brains but more common sense -a very good thing tolearn as early on as possible. At the moment I am tying bird nets around the vines.Backbraking work but very good fun once you get the skelfs outof my hands (many and I can't be bothered to do it yet),and youdon't mind getting scratched to pieces. I also had a looka t myglasses today and for the first time ever they look like they've been worn as there are scratches on them and a chip out of the bottom fromgetting hit with a ball and the lense falling out while in Roxburgh. SO I'mquite proud of myself - you can't say that I've sat on my bum and studied my time away. :-) I alsowork for a different manager than most on the vineyard as everyone works forcontractors.Allof the casualworkerswork for a guynamed Karl (who I should alsowork for) but when I turned upon Tuesday he said he was too busy to talk tome ( the git)Iworked anyway as we alldo.And at work I saw some tax forms being handed out and took one and filled it in so now I work for someone named Ken who my supervisor works for. Karl,a sub-contracor is employed by Ken.Confused? Not as much as all the rest of the casual workers.But Iknow I'mgetting paid legit.and I can always get a lift towork.Thats something the others can'tguarantee.Although I gettoday off where they work but who's counting?!!!!!!
I have changed hostels since arriving here.The first hostel (Arrow backpackers) was horrible! There wasn't really a communal area we could all sit, the place was infested with flies after the food left outfromthe Asianswho cook and then leave in boxes everywhere. (not in every hostel-just that one).It is also infested with ants who - when I came back from doing a shop-I found running round my food.That was it once I'd found them and the fact that I could speak no English and never relax there I looked for another place. Son now I am on the other side of the main road, closer tomy pick-up for work and nearer town so food shopping is easier. There are not so manyflies here,food isn't everywhere with the scraps not getting cleaned up, no ants except the ones I have to clean off my clothes and bags (yeuuuuuukkkkkkk!!!!),and I can speak abit more English as thereare fewer Asians and a few more Germans.
Therefore that is myupdate - very boring for youtoread and probably notmaking anysense but tough - the computer is driving menutsI'll try for an internet cafe next time. Sohopefullynext time I write my update will make sense and also I MAY be picking grapes.