and it broke!
The weather has broken at last yippeeeeeee!!!! We are now sweating and scorching like ....... something very warm and sweaty :-D 32degrees sometimes as high as 35degrees and we have to work in it! Wow! Only once have I just about collapsed and my supervisor came to my rescue with water over the head and neck (I didn't realise what was happening just that I was getting very dehydrated, annoyed and grumpy) What's new there as the manager likes to call me "cheeky" for my outrageous comments to him! Hee Hee!
WHAT WAS I saying about the weather - right now it is pouring with rain with the middle of a Thunder storm - How am I going to get back as I'm in a wee simmit!! and I'm going to gat soaked.
The fruit has changed slightly as we have now started picking apricots as well. 10kg bags and going up and down a ladder sometimes without holding on to anything when going up the last 2 steps - it's quite a feat with fresh air in front of you!!! Also for all you cheap skates who think a NZ apricot is dear to buy I get paid $1.50 a 10kg bag and that is the top pice it can go as low as 90cents for the bag. The most I have picked yet is 45 bags - starting at 7 in the morn and going to 4.30 at night as waether is too hot to work longer. Terrible pay but I'm not the only one who can't do better most of us are on the same rate of picking. But I couldn't go into the packhouse and work it's too awful to try to explain how boring it looks even if it is good pay plus overtime I couldn't stand not being outside. I did get my best pay last week though since I started working here in NZ because I got better wages than hourly rate picking cherries. Yippee that means a trip to the pub!!!
It's getting quite lonely in our hostel now as some of our long timers are leaving. Paul (not so long) was first to go. Then Ken and Miyoshi (Ken was our longest resident almost 4 months) left as well. My adopted sister (Seira) is leaving in a few weeks and I'm really going to miss her a lot. Steven a week later and my german (moaner) friend maybe another month or two. So I'm also thinking on leaving as well as it just won't be the same ans I really do have to move as I look at the road out of Roxburgh some nights and look at the hills to try seeing whats past them - a definite sign of me wanting to move. So I'm now working to make some money (doubtful) and work out what I want to say to everyone when I leave (God knows when yet though - so if I'm still here in a few months time tell me to get my ass out of Roxburgh)
I think thats all I want to say cos my trip to Wanaka was not very exciting when we lost the other car that was going 30 mins in and then ended up on the beach watching beautiful scenery and talking to the other carload on the phone (once we realised we had a number) to meet up in Cromwell (half way back again). The other car went to Queestown and had a very boring day! Haa Haa.