South Island wanderer
Oops I seem to have left you in the dark about a few things that have been happening. My punishment is truely horrible though as I am in an internet cafe with a space bar that doesn't work too well. Dammmmmnnnnnn it!!!!!!!!!!!
I have finished at the school on friday last so I thought I would have no more jobs in Auckland. I was wrong however when I got home I had a phone call from the job agency asking me to work that night. So I did! A cocktail waitress at a party for a 60 year old. It didn't seem that bad - champagne reception, serve little eateries throughout the night, and watch a drag show. It seemed I would have a lot of fun. It was better as the 60year old was gay and all his friends were there mainly gay people and a few straight. Everyone brought their partners. To add to the festivities it was fancy dress and as you can guess it was interesting - I'm so glad Halloween is so near this year I may copy some of the outfits. I seem to have done very well as a cocktail waitress as I was told that if they were having another function I'd be asked specifically for (watch out for my big head it may explode soon).When they found out that I was heading south they said that when I returned and needed some work to phone the company straight and ask for a job. Yippee looks like my Mum's endless bullying to hand round the plates to Aunties and Uncles unlimited and to smile no matter what paid off.
I attended my first BBQ since coming here on saturday. I was a bit of a gatecrasher as I went with family and to their friend's party. BBQ food is good here and it was raining again in Auckland. I seem to be getting my doggy fixes everywhere now :-)
On Sunday I had a lie-in a complete novelty for a sunday. But I went to mass at night to see a girl I had met working on the friday night. It was a lively mass with lots of young people's involvement. After the Mass I followed the girl (whose name I couldn't remember) to the youth meeting where she introduced me as Fiona to her friends. I went along with it - and found out her name was Lucy. I doubt I will ever meet them again so being Fiona for a wee while seemed OK.
On monday my Aunt and Uncle took me to lunch in the skytower revolving restaurant. Wow I was feeling sick and giddy all in one,not because of the height or the movement round but by the swaying of the tower in the wind. Eugh!! But after a few sips of water and not telling anyone I was fine and settled into a very delicious meal. The skytower is amazing you can see all the way round Auckland and from there I realised just HOW BIG Auckland is. IT IS MASSIVE!! there are fewer people living there than London but they are all spread out over the valley. Most live in one level houses with a garden all the way round, or all at one side. There is hardly a house built in Auckland of the same design - each one is individual! To move house in Auckland doesn't just mean moving belongings, you can if you want move your house to a new location as they are made of wood. You just lift them up and they get taken wherever you want them by road. I have still to see one on the motorway but you can get house farms where lots of houses sit in a field and you view them from there!
I also booked my trip south on Sunday - to South Island. I am on my way at the moment to Otago and there Roxburgh. I have decided to go right to the very bottom and work my way up again. I am busing it down and took the ferry across on the interislander. I got the Bus at 8pm on Tuesday after saying goodbye to Helen, Jay, Aunt Pat, Uncle Alex and Peanuts the cat (who rules that house!!!):-) It was an overnighter and freezing (though they said it was 24 degrees) and I hardly slept the way down just watched the stars as lights weren't allowed. I arrived in Wellington at 7 in the morn. So I was very early in seeing a few of the sights. The Botanic Gardens, the storm over the waters, the Parliament Buildings and a few museums. The bus was late to pick me up for the ferry but only because the ferry was late so I was even later getting to the hostel. The ferry ride was fantastic to put it lightly. I cannot believe the views I saw. Mountains just dropping into the sea with no land all around, waters so calm it is just silent. Blue skies, green scenery and blue waters - Most (including me) were stuck for words. I also got to see a dolphin riding along beside the ferry for fun!!
Picton is a quiet wee town where dogs lie in the street and you expect tosee tumble weed pass you at the bus stop. I stayed there last night and was first in bed at 9pm. I was so tired. I was in a mixed dorm with 11 others - I never heard anyone else go to bed and slept though the foreign guys talking when I went to bed. Unfortunatly I left for Christ church the next morning but I will definetly return by boat to North Island.
The bus to Christchurch was equally inspiring as the ferry. South Island is surely Lord of the Rings country - even the stuff you thought might have been put in by computers. The hills are fantastic! Unfortunately Christchurch is very English which is such a change from the scenery I left. I can't wait tosee tomorrow's on my trip to Queenstown for my fruit picking jobs!! Got to go now before I run out of money.
Hope Britain is pouring as here it's really sunny!