Easter weekend
Thank you to those who sent me birthday cards I am still to recieve them cos I'm a bit of an eidgit who never checked with people to make sure they understood that my mail was to be delivered to blenheim for the next few weeks. Anyway I had a lovely birthday. I got up at 5.15am and had to make my lunch cos when I went to read my book at 7.30 the night before I woke up at 1.30am and just pulled my sleeping bag over me - I couldn't be bothered to get changed either. Making lunch at that time in the morning as well as breakfats is not easy cos my brain is not working!!! Then I got to work and found I was in the fast picking group (contract not hourly as we're expected to make almost $25 an hour - yeah right!) so starting at 7 we worked. Then we got asked to stay behind and work late so I did till 5.45. By the time I got back to the hostel I was very dirty, very smelly, very bloody (as I cut my fingers again with the cutters), very painful (back pain - cos I was bent double most of the day and when I wasn't I was running) and absolutely shattered. I managed a cup of tea and an overload on biscuits for sugar and energy before I could get a shower and get changed.
That done I got my make-up on (liner and mascara only - first time doing that for a long, long while)and just as I finished the heavens opened and it poured all night on. I walked to the restaurant and had a lovely, yummy, uncooked-by-me meal. Then went to the cinema and saw 'Hitch' - very funny. I had only mentioned to 2 people in passing that it was my birthday before I left for the restaurant so when I got back I was not expecting the 2 balloons on my bed saying Happy Birthday. Even more I definitely did not expect everyone to be sitting waiting for me to wish me Happy birthday, sing the song, drink to me or present me with chocolate flavour soy ice-cream. I was in shock! I couldn't say anything for quite a while! But it was really nice and we sat up (after I'd kept them waiting so long - oops - but I hadn't known of it) till about 3.30 talking and laughing.
Friday was a public holiday and it rained, the tv was terrible so you can imagine the drastic situation of 20-odd year olds getting engrossed in the film 'Barbie as Rapunzil' (I think that's the right name) because there is nothing else to do or watch!
On Saturday I got my clothes dry (can you imagine it I now have lavender scented clothes - WOW - cos there was an offer in the supermarket) and got my bus to Christchurch. So that is where I am now - in Christchurch seeing friends before we all have to say goodbye (or 'see you later' as 'goodbye' is too painful as it's true unlike friends and family back home who I will see again) to. I met up with them last night - Chris and Seira - and we went for a drink talking of all we had done in the past 3 weeks since we last saw each other. Seira and I talked till about 2 this morn then she left and hopefully I'll see her when she visits Scotland next year probably. I've spent sunday with Chris and maybe tomorrow morn before I return to Blenheim and she stays for another week here till leaving for the home and the rest of the world.
Hope you have and still do have a great Easter.